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Remote debugging of live AWS Lambda functions

Learn how to use open source technology to add remote debugging to your favorite IDE for AWS Lambda.

The workshop will cover a short history of debugging techniques along with current indirect debugging methods such as using CloudWatch Logs, X-ray, console print statements and observability tools, as well as local simulation of a Lambda runtime environment. While indirect methods can certainly help, they do not provide the same level of information engineers are accustomed to, or might require, especially to effectively investigate complex scenarios - which necessitates debugging in the first place.

Following the initial introductory session, a hands-on demonstration of live remote debugging will be performed for lambda functions developed in NodeJS and Java. Attendees will have access to instructions on how to configure their IDE for remote debugging and together we’ll step through a representative debugging session for an AWS Lambda function.

Attendees will require free registration with SLAppForge to use the Sigma IDE, and could also try out the support for external IDEs such as WebStorm or IntelliJ IDEA with Lambda functions in NodeJS. For Lambda functions in Java, attendees can use almost any standard Java IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse or NetBeans.

Learning objectives will be:



Beginner to intermediate knowledge about AWS Lambda, beginner/intermediate level Node.js and Java experience.


Thank you!!!

Location: Tramshed Tech, Unit D, Pendyris St, Cardiff CF11 6BH

Date: 12 February 2020

Start Time: 13:00

Duration: 4 hours

You must have a ServerlessDays ticket to book this workshop. You will be emailed a link to book the workshop after purchasing a ticket w/c 13th January 2020.

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